Independence Day

اليـــــوم الاستـــــقلال

They are already around !

Earth, take a good look.
It might be your last !

A cynical view on U.S. occupation of Iraq,
based on reports and polling results from
AL-JAZEERA (if not indicated otherwise).

Site created by Dr. Wolfgang Wiesner
تصويت في الجزيرة
من 27 الى 30/5/2003

الهجومات التي تعرض لها
القوات الاميركية في العراق

بداية لمقاومة الاحتلال 77.4
جيوب مقاومة للنظام السابق 18.4
لا ادري 4.1

اشخاص 38.788

AL-JAZEERA opinion poll (27-30/5/2003):
Regarding those attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq, how could
they be interpreted ?

As the beginning of a fight against occupation: 77.4%

As the remainings of resistance of a dying regime: 18.4%

no idea: 4.1%

number of participants: 38.788
تصويت في الجزيرة
من 23 الى 26/6/2003

هل تعتقد ان المقاومة الحالية في
العراق تصب في مصلحة الشعب ؟

نعم 82

لا 15.1

لا ادري 3

اشخاص 42.028

AL-JAZEERA opinion poll (23-26/6/2003):
Do you consider the actual resistance in Iraq to be turning
into a national uprise ("a matter of the people") ?

yes: 82%

no: 15.1%

no idea: 3%

number of participants: 42.028
حصيلة هزيلة لحملة جمع الأسلحة
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxفي العراق
مقتل جنديين أميركيين في هجومين
xxxxxxxxxxxxxبالفلوجة و القائم
AL-JAZEERA 9/6/2003:
"Only meager results of a campaign, intended to collect
"U.S. soldiers died in different assaults that took place
at Falluja (50 km west of Baghdad) and Al-Kaim (near
the Syrian border)."

"This thing is happening all over Iraq tonight," said Lieutenant Colonel Eric Schwartz,
who oversaw raids late Saturday in the southern half of Falluja, the city 50 kilometers
west of Baghdad that has become a center of armed resistance. "It's a massive, coor-
dinated effort."
In the last three weeks, 10 American soldiers have been killed and dozens have been
wounded in ambushes carried out by unknown gunmen in the Sunni-dominated areas
north and west of Baghdad.
A combination of Saddam Hussein loyalists, Islamic militants and foreign fighters are
believed to have carried out attacks on U.S. troops. Using small arms and grenades,
the attackers have sharply increased U.S. casualties in Iraq.

AL-JAZEERA (30/6/2003):
"The U.S. are launching another attack against Iraqi

"U.S. occupation forces, including jet fighters and
armored cars, attacked more than 20 targets in the
region north of Baghdad in an effort to stop armed

الاميركيون يشنون حملة جديدة على المقاومة بالعراق

تفذت قوات الاحتلال الاميركي بمساءدة الطاءرات
المقاتلة و العربات المدرعة اكثر من عشرين هجوما
في منطقة تمتد شمال بغداد ضمن عملية اطلق
عليها افعئ الصدراء لوقف المقاومة المسلحة
هجوم بالصواريخ على مركز
للقوات الأميركية بالرمادي

Missile attack on a central U.S. post in Ramadi.

في رسالة صوتية حصلت الجزيرة عليها
صدام حسين يحث العراقيين على طرد الاحتلال

و اشار صدام في حديثه الئ تشكيل ما وصفه
بخلاية للمقاومة على نطاق واسع , ودعا
العراقيين الى الوقوف معها و التستر على
نشاطات الذين ينفذون العمليات ضد القوات

"In his acoustic message, that reached Al-Jazeera, Saddam
Hussein encourages the people of Iraq to chase away the
occupation troops."xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(4/7/2003 - U.S. Independence Day)

"In his speech, Saddam is indicating the formation in a
big way of what he calls "cells of resistance", knowing
himself to be understood by his people. Silence has to
be kept about all activities that could serve operations
directed against the triumphant army."xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

AL-QUDS AL-ARABI 5-6/7/2003:
"The record of Saddam and the death of a soldier,
coming together with 19 others wounded, is adding
grief to the celebrations of U.S. Independence."
تصويت في الجزيرة
من 5 الى 8/7/2003

هل سيسهم الشريط الصوتي لصدام
حسين في رفع وتيرة المقاومة العراقية ؟

نعم 61.6

لا 34.1

لا أدري 4.3

اشخاص 42.987

AL-JAZEERA opinion poll (5-8/7/2003):
The tape record of Saddam Hussein, will it add political drive
to Iraqi resistance on its way (against foreign ocupation) ?

yes: 61.6%

no: 34.1%

no idea: 4.3%

number of participants: 42.987

تصاعد المقاومة بالعراق و بريمر
xxxxxيعتبرها أعمال يائسين

"With resistance flaming up in Iraq,
Bremer (*) is expecting actions of

(*) L. Paul Bremer is the civilian
administrator of Iraq.

جندي أميركي يحرس عراقيين
اعتقلوا فجر السبت بعد خرقهم
حظر التجول في العاصمة بغداد

U.S. soldier guarding Iraqi citizens who have been arrested
last Saturday for having ignored the curfew in Baghdad (AFP).

بلير يقر بعدم انتهاء الحرب في العراق
بريمر يعتبر المقاومة أعمال يائسين
xxxxxxو بوش ينتقد المتشككين
AL-JAZEERA (6/7/2003):
"Blair is decided to continue the war in Iraq.
(Administrator) Bremer is expecting actions of despair
as a means of resistance.
And Bush criticizes those who step aside (from his policy)."
هجومات صاروخية ضد قوات الاحتلال بالعراق

قتلئ و جرحئ في صفوف جنود الاحتلال اثر
هجومات متلاحقة للمقاومة في اماكن متفرقة
و القوات الاميركية تكثف اجراءاتها بمنطقة ...
xxالرمادي بعد ليلة من الاشتباكات العنيفة

Al-JAZEERA (12/7/2003):
"Missile attacks directed against occupation forces in Iraq."

Soldiers of the occupation forces died and were wounded
"by ranks" during continued attacks of (Iraqi) resistance.
U.S. troops are concentrating their efforts in the region of
Ramadi after last night's fierce engagements.

تصويت في الجزيرة
من 11 الى 14/7/2003

هل تؤثر التهامات الموجهة للرئيس بوش
بتضليل الاميركيين بشاءن الحرب على
xxxxxxالعراق في موقفه الانتخابي ؟

نعم 71.1

لا 26.3

لاادري 2.6

اشخاص 27.830

AL-JAZEERA opinion poll (11-14/7/2003):
Would you slap accusations into the face of President Bush
for having cheated (seduced) the people of America on the
subject of war on Iraq while he is stating his position in the
election campaign ?

yes: 71.1%

no: 26.3%

no idea: 2.6%

number of participants: 29.381

BBC (2003/7/18):
العثور على جثة مستشار حكومي بريطاني

النص العربي

Ultimate News from
Our Man in Baghdad

BBC, London (18/7/2003):

British government councillor
found dead

A body matching the description of Dr David Kelly - the
weapons expert at the centre of the Iraq dossier row -
has been found at a beauty spot close to his home in
Oxfordshire. ..........

Dr Kelly, 59, had been caught up in a row between the
BBC and the government about the use of intelligence
reports in the run-up to the war with Iraq.

On Tuesday he told the Foreign Affairs select committee
he had spoken to BBC reporter Andrew Gilligan but de-
nied he was the main source for a story about claims that
a dossier on Iraq had been "sexed up".

Al-Jazeera, Qatar (25/01/2004):

Likely No Weapons
of Mass Destruction

The former top U.S. weapons inspector in Iraq said Sunday
he believes Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction
before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

قتلى و جرحى أميركيون بهجومين
في ديالى و الفلوجة

قال شهود عيان لمراسل الجزيرة في بغداد إن رتلا
عسكريا أميركيا تعرض لهجوم من قبل مجهولين
في أطراف مدينة المقدادية في محافظة ديالى مما
أسفر عن مقتل و جرح عدد من الجنود الأميركيين
وتدمير سبع عربات عسكرية أميركية. وأضاف الشهود
أن اشتباكا اندلع عقب الهجوم أسفر عن مقتل أربعة
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.من المهاجمين
و في وقت سابق أكد الجيش الأميركي مقتل جندي
أميركي عندما مرت سيارته على عبوة متفجرة في
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.بلدة الفلوجة غربي العراق

أنصار الصدر ينددون بالاحتلال و مقتل أميركيين بالموصل

رشق متظاهرون بالحجارة جنودا أميركيين كانوا يقومون
بحراسة مقر بلدية النجف أثناء تظاهرة شارك فيها أكثر
من عشرة آلاف شخص من أنصار الزعيم الشيعي
مقتدى الصدر صباح اليوم احتجاجا على قيام قوات
الاحتلال الأميركية بتطويق منزل الصدر في النجف

AL-JAZEERA (19/7/2003):

U.S. soldiers were killed and wounded while
being attacked in Al-Fallujah and Diyala.

As eyewitnesses told Al-Jazeera's correspondent in Baghdad,
a U.S. military convoi moved to the place where U.S. troops
had been attacked by unknown forces near the town of Al-
Muqdadiyah, situated in the district of Diyala (northeast of
Baghdad) and where numerous U.S. soldiers had been killed
or wounded, adding to the destruction of seven U.S. military
vehicles. .....
Four aggressors could bee killed during the clashes.


Shortly before reaching a safe position near his army, one
U.S. soldier was killed at the moment when his car passed
an exploding bomb in the town of Al-Fallujah in western

AL-JAZEERA (20/7/2003):
Demonstrators denounce occupation and
U.S. fighting in Mosul (Al-Mawsil in northern Iraq).

Demonstrators launching stones at U.S. soldiers. .......
Ten thousands of people, followers of the Shiite leader
Muktada al-Sadr, assembled this morning in protest against
the installation of U.S. occupation forces. They surrounded
the residence of their leader in An-Najaf (Holy Town of the
Shiites south of Baghdad).

BLUEPRINT editor's notice:
According to the U.S. military daily STARS and STRIPES
(14/4/2003), Muktada al-Sadr has been accused of being
responsible for the recent killing of two other prominent
Shiite leaders in the town of An-Najaf.

الاحتلال: مقتل أو اعتقال نجلي صدام حسين

وقال مراسل الجزيرة في الموصل إن العملية التي
وقعت في حي الفلاح أسفرت عن مقتل ثلاثة جنود
أميركيين و عراقي واحد و إصابة جندي أميركي
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .وخمسة عراقيين بجروح

وقال شهود عيان إن الجنود الأميركيين تعرضوا
لإطلاق نار من أفراد كانوا داخل المنزل عندما
اقتربوا منه. واستدعيت طائرات هليكوبتر لإخماد
المقاومة قبل اقتحام المنزل. واعتقلت قوات
الاحتلال خلال العملية نواف الزيدان وابنه
وهما من شيوخ قبيلة شمر. وأفاد الشهود أن
عددا من المنازل في نفس الحي تعرض لقصف
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .جوي أميركي

خاص بالجزيرة: قصي و عدي صدام حسين

AL-JAZEERA (22/7/2003):
"Occupation (army says):
Saddam Hussein’s sons killed or arrested"

"Al-Jazeera’s correspondent in Al-Mawsil (Mosul) said
the operation took place in a prosperous quarter (of
Mosul) and left three U.S. soldiers and one Iraqi dead,
as well as one U.S. soldier and five Iraqis wounded."

"According to eyewitnesses, U.S. soldiers appeared
at a shooting between individuals who were inside
the house and approached (the building). They called
for helicopter support in order to extinct resistance
before invading the building. During that operation,
occupation forces arrested Nawaf al-Zaidan and his son,
as well as two notables (sheiks) of the (Shamar) tribe.
The witnesses reported that some (further) buildings
in the same quarter had been effected by an ardent
U.S. bombardment."

BBC London - comment - (22/7/2003):
Iraqi people living in Mosul think Uday and Qusay may
have been there at the time of the raid, and that's what
the troops are trying to prove.
But some intelligence experts have already said they
think it's unlikely that the brothers would be there
Mosul is in an area of Iraq where they wouldn't have
been expected to be in, and by staying together they
increased the chances of being found.

BANGKOK POST (23/7/2003):
The owner of the house in the city of Mosul, Nawaf
, "is believed to have informed US forces
that Saddam's sons Uday and Qusay, Qusay's son,
and a bodyguard named Abdul Samad took refuge
in his house and he wanted to get rid of them",
said a female relative of Zaidan who asked not
to be named.

BLUEPRINT editor's notice:
The Arabic language imposes some difficulties on
the identification of proper names which appear to
the western reader as regular words with at least
one special meaning. Hence, the above translation
had to be corrected regarding the name of Nawaf al-
Zaidan. Nevertheless, the gist of the story remains
unchanged. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx W. Wiesner

لقي جندي أميركي مصرعه و أصيب ستة
آخرون بجروح صباح اليوم قرب الموصل
شمال العراق. وقال متحدث عسكري أميركي
إن الحادث نجم عن انفجار لغم أو عبوة
ناسفة عند مرور قافلة أميركية في
المنطقة. كما أعلن متحدث آخر أن
جنديا أميركيا قتل اليوم في انفجار
.قنبلة غرب بغداد قرب مدينة الرمادي

AL-JAZEERA (23/7/2003):
One U.S. soldier found his death and six others
were wounded near Mosul in northern Iraq this
morning. A U.S. military spokesman said, the
incident was due to the detonation of a mine or
explosive device at the time when a U.S. convoi
was just passing that sector. According to the
spokesman, today, another U.S. soldier died when
a bomb exploded west of Baghdad near the town
of Ramadi.

Actual U.S. Body Count

dpa / AFP and further international press agencies reporting 26/7/2003:
Including an Iraqi shelling of U.S. troops north of Baghdad of the very day,
that left three soldiers dead, and a similar incident on July 23 (same result),
the actual U.S. body count is 47 since the "official end of warfare" on May 1.

On 2/8/2003 this number has risen to 53 according to German National TV.
It should include two U.S. soldiers who died in action on 31/7 (Al-Jazeera).

7/8/2003: According to Al-Jazeera, about 60 American soldiers should have died
within the last three months. الجزيرة: مقتل نحو 60 جنديا أميركيا منذ ثلاثة أشهر

WASHINGTON POST (26/8/2003):
"With the death yesterday of another U.S. soldier in Iraq, the number of U.S.
troops who have died there since May 1, when President Bush declared an end to
major combat operations, rose to 138 -- the same number as perished during the
six weeks of fighting that marked the fall of Baghdad
and its immediate aftermath,
according to Pentagon records." It should be added that the actual number of casual-
ties comprises all cases of accidental death registered by the U.S. military authorities.

On 8/9/2003, German National TV reported an actual number of 149 U.S. casualties.

At the end of 2003, FACES OF THE FALLEN has already become an established service of the
WASHINGTON POST, offering you a closer look at those who lost their lives in the Iraqi hell.
This service is updated weekly !

‫ﺍِﻋﺮﻑ ﻋﺪﻭّﻙ ﺑﺎﻟﻨﻈﺮ !

تصويت في الجزيرة
من 23 الى 26/7/2003

هل سيسهم مقتل نجلي صدام حسين
في وقف المقاومة ضد الاحتلال؟

13.5 نعم

83.7 لا

2.8 لاادري

67.977 اشخاص

AL-JAZEERA opinion poll (23-26/7/2003):
The assassination of Saddam Hussein's descendants,
will it open a way to stop the resistance against
occupation ?

yes: 13.5%

no: 83.7%

no idea: 2.8%

number of participants: 67.977

الجزيرة و العربية تردات على الاتهامات الاميركية

ردت قناتا الجزيرة و العربية اليوم على اتهامات نائب وزير الدفاع الاميركية بول ولفويتز
.لهما بالتحريص على العنف ضد قوات الاحتلال في العراق. مؤكدتين موضوعية أجبار هما

AL-JAZEERA Headline (29/7/2003):
AL-JAZEERA and AL-ARABIYA reject U.S. accusations

Today, Channel Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya rejected accusations of willful brusque-
ness with regard to the occupation forces in Iraq, accusations launched by U.S. vice
secretary of defence Paul Wolfowitz. Instead, both assure objectivity of information.

logo of AL-JAZEERA, Qatar (left)
screen picture by AL-ARABIYA, Dubai (right)

تصويت لالجزيرة
من 29/7 إلى 1/8/2003

هل تعتقد أن بعض القنوات العربية تحرض
على مقاومة الاحتلال في العراق ؟

نعم 42.1

لا 54.8

لا أدري 3.1

اشخاص 49.099

AL-JAZEERA opinion poll (29/7-1/8/2003):
Could you imagine some Arabic (news) channels
inducing Iraqi resistance against occupation ?

yes: 42.1%

no: 54.8%

no idea: 3.1%

number of participants: 49.099

الأردن يستضيف ابنتي الرئيس العراقي المخلوع

أعلن وزير الإعلان الأردني نبيل الشريف أن ابنتي
الرئيس العراقي المخلوع الكبريين رغد و رنا صدام
حسين وصلتا إلى عمان الخميس برفقة تسعة
.أطفال، و هم الأن تحت حماية السلطات الأردنية

AL-JAZEERA (31/7/2003):
"Jordan is hosting the daughters of former Iraqi president"

"According to the Jordanian minister of information, Nabil
Ascharif, the eldest daughters of the former Iraqi president,
Raghad and Rana Saddam Hussein, together with nine of
their children arrived in Amman on Thursday. They are now
under supervision of Jordanian authorities."

صدام يدعو العراقيين لمواجها الاحتلال بكل الوسائل
(في تسجيل صوتي بثته الجزيرة)

دعا الرئيس العراقي المخلوع صدام حسين الشعب
العراقي إلى استمرار المقاومة و مواجهة قوات
الاحتلال الأميركي بكل الوسائل، و وصف كل من
xxxxx .يتعاون مع المحتلين بأنه خائن و عميل

AL-JAZEERA (1/8/2003):
"Saddam calls the people of Iraq to oppose occupation
with all means" (sound record published by Al-Jazeera)

"Former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein called the Iraqi
nation to continue resistance and to oppose U.S. occupa-
tion forces by using all means available. And he accused
all those who collaborate with the occupants as traitors
and spies."

Here a comment, published by ARAB NEWS in Riyadh,
that should demonstrate how a missing knowledge of
historic proceedings can lead to an erroneous evalua-
tion of the present :
xxxxx Confidence Built On Ignorance of Arab History

الاقتصاد الاعراقي

مسؤول عراقي يستبعد خصخصة
الشركات الكبرى قريبا

قال المدير العام لوزارة الصناعة والثروات المعدنية
في العراق يعقوب شونيا إن بدء عملية خصخصة
الشركات العراقية الكبرى التي تشكل هدف التحالف
.الأميركي البريطاني يحتاج إلى وقت طويل

وأكد شونيا الذي استدعاه الأميركيون بعد تقاعده في
ظل نظام صدام أن وزارته ستقوم "بتقدير قيمة 52
."شركة تضم 186 مصنعا كلا على حدة

Cost of the War in Iraq

التكاليف الحرب

(JavaScript Error)

Iraqi Economy

"Iraqi functionary
sceptical toward
a classification of
great companies
in the near future"

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx No to Unemployment !
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx انكاد العاطلون عن العمل

The general administrator in the Iraqi Ministry of Industry
and Natural Resources declared that in consequence of the
hostilities [against occupation], the beginning of a classi-
fication of such great Iraqi companies, decided to see their
goal in establishing relations with America and Britain, will
need a long time.
He confirmed the hostilities which are challenging the U.S.
after the end of supremacy of Saddam's regime, yet declar-
ing that his ministry is proceeding with the "estimation of
value for 52 companies that are comprising 186 fabrication
sites and are certainly not involved in uprise".

People's Daily (Renmin Ribao / Renmin Wang), Peking (11/8/2003):

100 Days after the War on Iraq
- Lots of Problems still left -

(مائة أيام بعد الحرب للعراق (جريدة رسمية في الصين From May 1, when U.S. president Bush declared the end of all essential fight- ing in Iraq on board of the aircraft carrier "Lincoln", until August 8, its now altogether 100 days. That very day, when Bush was going to have a holiday on (his) farm in Texas, he told a choice of journalists in an interview that allied troops, stationed in Iraq, are "slowly but reliably" going to establish stability in Iraq. This should be of an extreme importance to the open fight against terrorism. To those journalists who asked whether the occupation of Iraq by U.S. troops needed to be sustained for long, Bush replied: In order to reach victory in the open fight against terrorism, (we) have to remain for a long, long time. And he expressed "grief" towards those U.S. soldiers that are losing their lives in succession. .......... There's a comment which puts it that way: Even if the war on Iraq probably has ended, according to the definition of "war" in military science, all that people can see and hear from "post war" Iraq, has something of a continued rising of the smoke of gunpowder that is lingering everywhere. The British "Independent" estimates that a guerilla war is going to develop when surprise attacks are being launched against U.S. "occupation forces". As to post war reconstruction (we have to keep in mind): Owing to the fact that it was the U.S. who began putting the United Nations at the outside (of the conflict), while political forces in the U.S.A. were emerging that did not imagine any difficulties to come, it is beyond doubt that both, the aspects of time and of monetary funds, are likely to exceed the original plannings. Such, the U.S. have to digest the bitter fruit, grown on unilateralism, and still have a long way to go. Translation of an excerpt from the Chinese text by Wolfgang Wiesner.
Burning Tyres in a Street of Basra WASHINGTON POST (12/8/2003): Headline: "In Basra, Worst May Be Ahead" An uneasy calm returned to Basra on Monday after two days of unrest, but residents still express anger over shortages of gasoline and electricity and the skyrocketing black-market prices that have accompanied them. AL-JAZEERA (17/8/2003): Resistance group announcing a concentration of attacks directed against occupation troops. حركة عراقية تتوعد بتكثيف الهجمات ضد الاحتلال "حركة المقاومة الإسلامية الوطنية العراقية" The National Islamic Resistance Movement of Iraq (photo: Al-Jazeera)

Islamic Terrorism in Iraq

أعلم الجزيرة first report by AL-JAZEERA (19/8/2003):
من المسؤول؟ — الأمم المتحدة تؤكد مقتل دي ميلو بالعراق
Arabic and western media reported that U.N. headquarters in Baghdad have
been blasted by a truck bomb. Further information by ARAB NEWS, Riyadh
The chief representative of the United Nations in Baghdad died. As to the
relations between Baghdad and the U.N. refer to reports about U.N. sanctions
that ruined Iraqi economy during the past years.

26/8/2003 : According to the Saudi Arabian daily ASHARQ AL-AWSAT which had
received a statement of confession from the "Battalions of Abu Hafez al-Misri" the
day before, different groups related to AL-QAEDA should have participated in the
plannings and realisation of that disastrous incident. Further attacks against all
those who can be identified as "enemies of Islam" should follow. The statement
cited was carrying the number 4 and had been signed with the operational name
"Sword of Justice" that is used by the actual military leader of Al-Qaeda. The ter-
rorists are defining their aim in "exhausting and erasing the U.S. enemy together
with all traces of the crimes (sins) he has committed. (The same goes for) the
Jordanians who will be beaten in the same manner as they are trying to beat us
to death. (Revenge) will happen in many ways and will be of different character.
And it will be unexpected, such, that it should not be easy for the enemy to guess
neither where, when, and how we beat nor who of us will beat."

تبنت " كتائب ابو حفص المصري " احدى مجموعات " القاعدة " الاعتدئ بشاحنة
مفخخة على مقر الامم المتحدة ببغداد في بيان تلقت " الشرق الأوسط " نسخة
منه. البيان حمل رقم (4) و اسم عملية " سيف العدل " ( المسؤول العسكري
.(" الحالي ل" القاعدة

Sun Bin: "The Art of War"

King Wei asked, "Is there a way to attack an enemy ten times our strength ?"
"Yes, there is," answered Sun Bin, "and that is to attack when he is
not expecting you and when he is unprepared."

Sun Bin had been the military advisor of King Wei
who ruled the state of Qi during the Period of the
Warring States (475-221 B.C.) in imperial China

AL-JAZEERA (29/8/2003) and other international media reported on a heavy detonation
that killed many visitors of a mosque in the holy town of Najaf. One of the most important
Islamic clerics, Ayatollah al-Hakim, should be among the victims.

- Background - Background - Background -

According to STARS & STRIPES, 14 April 2003, Ayatollah Mohammed Saeed al-Hakim
like other leading Shiite Muslim clerics has been the target of a radical Islamic move-
ment that is led by Muktada al-Sadr, son of Ayatollah Mohammed al-Sadr, who was
murdered by the Iraqi government in 1999. Followers of Muktada al-Sadr are already
known for their militant anti-American position (=> look above 20/7/2003). Some of
them have been accused for having killed two other prominent Shiite clerics in the holy
town of Najaf.

Western media reported that explosive devices used in the actual bombing and which
killed Ayatollah al-Hakim are similar to those used in the blasting of the Jordanian
embassy and the bombing of U.N. headquarters. (i.e. German radio news, 30/8/2003)

A message of confession for the U.N. headquarters incident and which is hinting at
further asssaults against U.S. and Jordanian facilities has been related to AL-QAEDA
(look above for an article published by ASHARQ AL-AWSAT, 26/8/2003).

go to the top
of this page !

Further Notes on Iraq:

اعتقال نائب الرئيس العراقي طه ياسين رمضان في الموصل
Former Iraqi vice president Taha Yassin Ramadan arrested in Mosul. (AL-JAZEERA, 19/8/03)

"اعتقال علي حسن المجيد ابن عم الرئيس المخلوع صدام حسين الملقب "علي الكيمياوي
الذي يحتل المرتبة الخامسة في لائحة المسؤولين العراقيين المطلوبين لدى الأميركيين
Ali Hassan al-Majid, called "Chemistry Ali", cousin of former president Saddam Hussein and
the number five on a U.S. list comprising the most wanted Iraqi leaders, has been arrested.
(AL-JAZEERA, 21/8/2003)

تصويت لالجزيرة
من 13 إلى 16/8/2003

هل سيحظى الدستور العراقي الجديد بقبول
العراقيين في حال تدخل واشنطن في صياغته؟

نعم 16.9

لا 83.1

اشخاص 26.050

AL-JAZEERA opinion poll (13-16/8/2003):
The new constitution of Iraq, will it benefit from an
approval of the Iraqi people in case of Washington
intervening in the proceedings of its creation ?

yes: (16.9) %

no: (83.1) %

number of participants: (26.050)

14/12/2003: Saddam finally caught - War will continue !

اعتقال الرئيس المحلوع صدام حسين و سيستمر الحرب

EL MUNDO, Spanish daily (5/10/2003):

Exclusiva / Hablan los portavoces de Ansar al Sunna, uno de los principales grupos de la resistencia iraquí.
An interview with spokesmen of Ansar al Sunna, one of the most important groups within Iraqi resistance.

El grupo de resistencia iraquí Ansar al Sunna asegura no tener nada que ver con Sadam Husein,
al que culpan de la ocupación estadounidense.
Ansar al Sunna, Iraqi group of resistance, assures that they have nothing to do with Saddam Hussein
whom they blame for the U.S. occupation.

"No somos terroristas echaremos al invasor con la guerilla que es un invento español."
"We are no terrorists when we are striking at the invader by means of guerilla warfare
which is a Spanish invention."

"La 'yihad' es algo obgligatorio para los iraquíes."
"The 'Holy War' is indispensable for the people of Iraq."

"No tenemos nada que ver con las armas
de destrucción masiva ni con Al Qaeda."
"We have nothing to do with weapons
of mass destruction nor with Al Qaeda."

"Ganaremos la guerra porque a nosotros
nos alimenta la fe y a los americanos el dinero."
"We are going to win the war because our fight
is nourished by
(religious/political) belief while
the Americans are driven by money ."

April 2004: Beginning of the "Holy War"

البداية الجهاد

  On the issue of kidnapped foreigners in Iraq,
  the Palestinian newspaper AL-QUDS AL-ARABI 
  published the following comment, obviously on 
  behalf of the board of editors (14/04/2004):

  "... The fact of foreigners being kidnapped,
  particularly of journalists, will damage the 
  just cause of the Iraqi resistance movement.
  When it comes to the humiliation of hostages,
  a picture of sin is imposed on Islam, even 
  though it is a religion of tolerance and love.
  And there is hope that any meritorious effort
  directed at the prompt release of all hostages
  and which is pushed forward by religious au-
  thorities will finally succeed."

  ‫ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻲ ‪٤/٤/٢٠٠٤
  ‫ﺭ‫ﺃﻱ ﺍﻟﻘﺪﺱ - ﺥ‌ﻃﻒ ﺍﻟﺮﻫﺎﺋﻦ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺍﻕ

  Following the assassination of Hamas leader 
  Sheikh Yassin and his successor Rantissi on 
  behalf of Israeli prime minister Sharon and
  seemingly encouraged by U.S. policy towards
  Israel, the Qatari daily AL-JAZEERA is now
  raising the question of a further escalation 
  in the Middle East that could push forward, 
  both, Palestinian resistance against Israel 
  as well as Iraqi resistance against U.S. 

  Title and excerpt from the Arabic edition of
  AL-JAZEERA (18/04/2004): 
  The Assassination of Rantissi will Open the 
  Doors of Escalation in Palestine and Iraq

  "... Hence, one is inclined to believe that,
  both, Palestinian and Iraqi resistance might
  change roles when it comes to a reaction on 
  Israeli and U.S. occupation. Besides an in-
  tensification of activity in their local area, 
  they might enlargen their field of activity to 
  the outside."

   ‫‫ﺍﻏﺘﻴﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﺮﻧﺘﻴﺴﻲ ﻳﻔﺘﺢ ﺃﺑﻮﺍﺏ
‫ﺍﻟﺘﺼﻌﻴﺪ ﻓﻲ ﻓﻠﺴﻄﻴﻦ ﻭ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺍﻕ   

Excerpts from an interview with Egyptian president Mubarak, published by the reputed French daily LE MONDE, Paris.
(English translation published by AL-JAZEERA):

Mubarak: Arabs hate U.S. more than ever

الرئيس المصري حسني مبارك: العرب المبغض للاميركيين

Arabs in the Middle East hate the United States more than ever following the invasion of Iraq and Israel's assassination of two Hamas leaders, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said in comments published Tuesday. "There exists today a hatred of Americans never equalled in the region," he told the newspaper Le Monde in a reference to the Middle East. "In the beginning some people thought the Americans were helping them. There was no hatred towards Americans. After what happened in Iraq, there is an unprecedented hatred and the Americans know it," said Mubarak, regarded as one of the Middle Eastern leaders relatively sympathetic to the United States. He said the first cause of terrorism was injustice. "Look at what is happening in Palestine and in Iraq. Where there is pressure and injustice there are terrorism and attacks," he said. "It is despair that pushes some people to commit attacks against some American interest or other. Despair and a feeling of injustice are not going to confine themselves to our region," Mubarak said. "American and Israeli interests are not safe, not only in our region but in other parts of the world, in Europe, in America, anywhere in the world." Mubarak also accused the United States of having helped create fundamen- talist Islamist movements to fight the influence of the former Soviet Union. "It is dangerous to exploit religion. They used Islam against communism. And today they say Islam is a danger. You should not meddle with the faith and beliefs of people."
PEOPLE'S DAILY online edition, Beijing, 04/05/2004: 
... In that very month [April 2004] at least 1361 Iraqis
have been killed which amounts to the tenfold number of
U.S. soldiers killed in action (136 during the same time). 
... As a member of the provisional executive council in-
dicated, the excessive occurrence of such incidents after
the overthrow of Saddam has shocked the Iraqi people, a 
fact which is clearly showing that the U.S. are unable to 
perform a decent rule over Iraq. ... 

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL report on Iraq (18/03/2004):
Military encroachment and civilian unrest are ruining Iraq.

January 2005: First General Elections

An Iraqi citizen voting
abroad in the U.S.A.
(AL-AYYAM, Yemen,
January 29 2005)

Ibrahim al-Jaafari
The designated prime minister
of Iraq who is representing the
Iraqi "Coalition of Unification".
Saudi Arabia, Feb. 6 2005)

Detonation of a missile or mortar grenade in the neighbourhood
of a Baghdad building, reportedly lodging the ministry of defense.
(AL-JAZEERA, Arabic service, Qatar, February 6 2005)

AL-JAZEERA (cited from English service) on January 27 2005:

Bloodiest day for US forces in Iraq

A US Marine Corps helicopter has crashed in western Iraq killing
at least 31 US servicemen while six other soldiers were killed in
clashes with armed groups.
The US Marines declined to provide the cause of the (copter) crash.
An independent Iraqi journalist said, local residents reported seeing
several US military helicopters on low-altitude flights over the area
where the crash took place, which is apparently beyond the reach
of civilians. As these aircraft fly at relatively slow speeds and at low
altitudes, they are vulnerable to rocket attacks by fighters who can
fire and withdraw. The crash came as US-led forces, Iraqi national
guardsmen, interim government offices and other election targets
were hit around the country.
The latest fatalities mark the highest single-day toll of US soldiers in
Iraq (37) pushing the total to 1418 since the March 2003 invasion.

November 2006: Saddam Sentenced to Death

Day of Judgement

On November 5, 2006, Saddam Hussein is
finally sentenced to death by hanging. An
Iraqi court simultaneously sentences three
influential members of Saddam's regime.

The Beginningof The End

November 2006: After the U.S. Democrats' winning over the majority in
both Houses on Capitol Hill, a change in war politics is likely to emerge,
showing its first result in a quick replacement of "war minister" Rumsfeld.

January 2007: Having replaced Rumsfeld with former CIA director Gates,
G. Bush is now trying to save as much as possible by sending further troops
to Iraq, hoping to secure a safe transfer of power to the Iraqi administration.
It is on January 23 that al-Qaeda's vice leader al-Zawahiri is responding to
that reinforcement of U.S. troops (source: AL-JAZEERA, Arabic service) :
As a first reaction of al-Qaeda organisation on President Bush's intention (to
send more troops to Iraq) al-Zawahiri said: "As an annihilation of the entire
U.S. army is within the possibilities of the mujahedins, so is the annihilation
of some ten thousand troops as well."
وقال الظواهري في أول ردة فعل من تنظيم القاعدة على خطة الرئيس بوش "إنه
"يمكن للمجاهدين القضاء على الجيش الأميركي كله و تدمير ما يعادل عشرة جيوش

September 2007: Former British Chief of the General Staff, Sir Mike Jackson, attacks US over Iraq.
General Jackson says the approach taken by Donald Rumsfeld, the then US defence secretary, was
"intellectually bankrupt", describing his claim that US forces "don't do nation-building" as "nonsensi-
cal". Jackson's comments, made in his forthcoming autobiography Soldier and serialised in The Daily
Telegraph, represent the most outspoken criticism of American military policy in Iraq to come from a
senior British officer. His attack - the first time he has revealed the depth of his anger towards the US
administration - highlights the deep-seated tension between the British command and the Pentagon
during the build-up to and the aftermath of the Iraq campaign in 2003.

Have they not then journeyed in the land and seen how was the end of those before them?
They were more in numbers than these and greater in strength and in fortifications in the
land, but what they earned did not avail them.

The Holy Koran - Sura 40:82

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