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Israel's Secrets Unveiled

据称被骇客入侵并现在由伊朗相关来源展示的档这一正在处理在希伯来大学的适当实验室进行的泄漏测试中未能颁发许可证,以从事某些风险等级为 2 的放射源活动。验室已知运营着两个铯 137 来源。

據稱被駭客入侵並現在由伊朗相關來源展示的檔之一正在處理在希伯來大學的適當實驗室進行的洩漏測試中未能頒發許可證,以從事某些風險等級為 2 的放射源活動。驗室已知運營著兩個銫 137 來源。

Syrian Rebels Gaining Momentum

Tel Aviv - Talk of the Town - Nov. 19/23
Four people from Netanyahu's office were arrested in a
security leak case. 'Handala', an Iranian hacker group,
hacked the phone of Benny Gantz, former Chief of Staff
of the Israeli Army and former Minister of Justice, and
extracted private photos and confidential information,
revealing sexual scandals and political secrets. Related
Chinese version is even more interesting.

Trump's son Barron (18) is said to have played a key role in Trump's 2024 campaign. When acting on TikTok & podcasts preferred by the young, he boosted Trump's popularity among Generation Z. The 18-29 years old supported Trump by 54%, compared with 32% in 2020. [November 8, Source: Saudi influencer]

Yankee Doodle Won US Presidential Election

A Rude Awakening .....
Cheer up anyway. Here is evidence that Melania Trump contradicts her husband's views on abortion. [Nov. 6]
TV interview granted by Melania Trump

A must have seen: Trump calling for Free Speech

Russia - Cannon Fodder from North Korea


Western media finally confirming earlier Chinese media reports about Russia preparing North Korean troops before deploying them in its war on Ukraine. Important media reports from Oct. 12 - Oct. 19 on:
Ukraine - North Korean Military Personnel involved ?!!!

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December 1-16

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