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to sprinkle salt on the wounds of Muslims. The nation will not tolerate his unholy steps on the soil of Pakistan." on the coming visit of U.S. secretary of state Colin Powell to boost the alliance against terrorism. ![]() xxxanti-American riots xxxin a Pakistani town AL-JAZEERA, Qatar (24/04/2002): Anti-American demonstrations in Djakarta expressing the wish of the world's most numerous Muslim nation to cut all links between Indonesia and the United States. ASHARQ AL-AWSAT, Riyadh (20/04/2002): Four persons wounded in the frame of anti-American manifestations and actions of emotion in a Jordanian camp, and during a public congress held in al-Azhar mosque. Al-JAZEERA, Qatar (26/04/2002): Bagdad forces its merchants to study general Islamic law ("fiqh") when handling affairs. AL-HYAT, London (8/05/2002): Pakistani theologues stand for a confrontation with the U.S. AL-JAZEERA, Qatar (7/05/2002): Two Kurdish organizations in northern Iraq announced their future cooperation in military actions, carried out on behalf of the Islamic community. ARAB NEWS, Riyadh (17/07/2002): Indian Deputy Prime Minister Advani wants international community to declare U.S. ally Pakistan a terrorist state if it fails to wind up training camps for militant Muslims. ASHARQ AL-AWSAT, Riyadh (19/07/2002): Malaysian prime minister Mahmod Mahadir declares: An U.S. attack on Iraq will provoke Muslims all over the world. [Malysia is a multiethnic Islamic nation.] DAWN, Pakistan (29/08/02): TEHRAN: The fizzy Iranian soft drink "Zam Zam Cola" could quench the thirst of the two million Muslim faith- ful expected next February on their annual pilgrimage to Makkah, following a Saudi boycott of US cola giants Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola. LIBÉRATION, Morocco (27/10/02): The Moroccan daily is raising the question why so many Moroccan citizens are participating in the net- work of Muslimic terrorism. ![]() The Jihad [holy fighting in Allah's Cause] is ordained for you [Muslims] though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know. ( Sura 2 / 216 from the Holy Koran ) |
![]() And they are cursed. Wherever they are found, each of them should be taken by force and tried to death. ( Sura 33 "on alliances" / 61 from the Holy Koran ) Polling of AL-JAZEERA ( 2-4 April 2002 ) : What kind of measures could be a most efficient support for the Palestinian Intifada of our days ? the declaration of a Holy War ..... 50% the application of petrol as a weapon ..... 19.2% the opening of borders [which would enable all pro-Palestine volunteers to enter Jordan and other neighbouring countries] ..... 18.7% an economic embargo [hitting their enemies] ..... 11.3% no idea ..... 0.8% ![]() And you enjoin Al-Birr [piety, righteousness and each and every act of obedience to Allah] on the people and then forget to practise it yourselves, while you recite the Scripture [Taurat (Torah)]! Have you then no sense? (Sura 2 / 44 dedicated to the Jews, from the Holy Koran) ![]() Polling of AL-JAZEERA ( 18-21 April 2002 ) : Are you in favor of a persistent blooming of the religious party (Hizbollah) and their military actions against Israel, even though they lacked success in the first round ? no ..... 7.6% no idea ..... 1.3% ![]() the leader of Hizbollah a letter from Bin Laden ? |
Anti-U.S. sentiments in certain Muslim countries according to a study carried out by the U.S.-based Pew Research Center. The survey was headed by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. [BBC NEWS, London (05/12/02)] The special situation in Uzbekistan can be related to the country's economic dependency from military bases used by western armed forces in the frame of the Afghanistan conflict. [BLUEPRINT comment] |
![]() BABIL ONLINE, Iraq (04/01/03): "Bush declares: There were even more villains in Europe in the year 2002. The leader of Al-Qaeda organisation, Oussama Ben Laden, already appears in the European mass medias as the man of the year 2001." |
![]() => => => Click here and read citations of Bin Laden from his programmatic video, released by AL-JAZEERA (27/12/01). AL-JAZEERA, Qatar (02/02/2002): Pakistani police searching the cemeteries of Karachi for the remainings of an U.S. "reporter" who disappeared while making inquiries on the background of a terrorist, accused of having planned to blow an U.S. plane with explosives carried on board in his shoes. [That U.S. "correspondent" was found dead some weeks later. GERMAN NATIONAL TV (15/07/2002) reported about the trial of his killers.] ASHARQ AL-AWSAT, Riyadh (08/03/2002): Eminence Bin Abad Al-Asiis, Saudi-Arabian minister of the interior, warning of Al-Qaeda members using false passports. ASHARQ AL-AWSAT, Riyadh (13/05/2002): "Friends of Al-Qaeda" are preparing an assault on the residency of the Yemenite prime minister. AL-JAZEERA, Qatar (23/05/2002): Lebanon denying U.S. report on a conference between the [Palestinian religious party] Hizbollah and leaders of Al-Qaeda, presided by Oussama Bin Laden. Their meeting should have taken place last March in Lebanon in order to coordinate further attacks. Both, Hizbollah and the Lebanese government disclaim any knowledge. AL-JAZEERA, Qatar (29/05/2002): U.S. chase of the organized remains of Al-Qaeda and Taliban drives enemy into Kashmir from where problems are expected. ALQUDS-AL-ARABI (the Palestinian daily, 18/06/2002): - Second rang Al-Qaeda members are forming alliances in x order to hit U.S. targets. - Rumours are spread of a recent interview with Bin Laden. - Moroccan forces arrested individuals suspected of being x related with Al-Qaeda. => => => Refer to AL-HYAT for additional information ! AL-JAZEERA, Qatar (14/06/2002 - 10:30 h GMT, 15/06/2002): Report from their correspondent in Pakistan: About 10 persons killed and many wounded in a bombing that affected the U.S.A. consulate in Karachi. A car loaded with explosives caused much damage to the consulate building, shortly after U.S. secretary of state Donald Rumsfeld ended his talks with Islamabad. Unknown Islamic group AL-KANUN confessing the deed. ASHARQ-AL-AWSAT (17/06/2002): Another suspect who should have launched a rocket at an U.S. plane is held up in Sudan. As that country is not linked to the western alliance against terrorism, his transfer to the U.S.A. could be difficult, though there are negotiations between the Sudanese government and a Saudi-Arabian mediator. ARAB NEWS, Riyadh (22/06/2002): Saudi-Arabian authorities announced that they had recently arrested seven members of Al-Qaeda network on suspicion of planning "terrorist" attacks on vital targets in the kingdom. ![]() Suleiman Abu Reith, the speaker of Al-Qaeda, announces Oussama Bin Laden being in good health. Claiming responsibility for the Djerba incident, earlier that year, he states the intention of Al-Qaeda to support the Palestinian cause in that bombing of a Tunisian synagogue. Citation: "... as it is raising enthusiasm and the spirit of war in oneself, when it starts with a specifically succesful operation like this." Another citation from the statement of Suleiman Abu Reith: "I'm able to tell you that 98% of the leadership of Al-Qaeda organisation are still intact and are perfectly handling their matters." ASHARQ AL-AWSAT, Riyadh (26/06/2002): The U.S. magazine TIME is cited that U.S. president Bush would like to see Bin Laden dead prior to next Sept. 11. TIME magazine, U.S.A. (01/07/2002): It seems to be a "mission impossible" for western intelligence to detect Bin Laden, even though there are rumours he might never have left the Central Asian region. ASHARQ AL-AWSAT, Riyadh (28/06/2002): Suspicious internet visits in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are raising U.S. fears for Al-Qaeda plannings of an assault on dams or dikes, power stations and telephone centres. AL-JAZEERA, Qatar (09/07/2002): Philippine police arrested a Muslim citizen suspected of buying explosives in order to support Al-Qaeda during a phase of reconstruction. ARAB NEWS, Riyadh (17/07/2002): Pakistani police and secret service obviously involved in some anti-American actions. Parts of them are suspected of supporting Al-Qaeda, even in the projected killing of Pakistan's President Musharaff. AL-JAZEERA, Qatar: - Pakistan's President Musharaff declares that there is no definite proof of Bin Laden being alive. (01/07/02) - Pakistan's president Musharaff admits that Al-Qaeda warriors are still infiltrating Pakistan. (05/09/02) AL-JAZEERA, Qatar (06/10/2002): A new acoustic message from Oussama Bin Laden is threatening America with further attacks directed against their economy, as long as the U.S. are con- tinuing to oppress Islamic nations and are behaving hostile to them. ALQUDS AL-ARABI, Palestine / London (09/10/02): "Two Kuwaiti followers of Oussama Bin Laden killed Americans in the preliminary stages of an assault on Iraq." [main page headline] The incident happened on the Kuwaiti island Fayalka. ASHARQ AL-AWSAT, Riyadh (19/10/02): Al-Qaeda says America is hiding severe losses in the Fayalka incident. - Politicians and intellectuals are cited that Kuwait might become another Afghanistan en miniature. AL-JAZEERA, Qatar (03/11/02): Another shooting in Kuwait targeting U.S. troops. It is the fourth incident of that kind. ARAB NEWS, Riyadh and western sources (14/10/02): Explosion of two massive car bombs on the Indonesian island of Bali, killing more than 180 people and wound- ing almost 300 others, most of them western visitors of a night club. Up to now, it remains unclear who was in charge of that bombing: Al-Qaeda or a militant Islamic group, already known to the Indonesian authorities. ARAB NEWS, usually not in favor of recent western activities in Asia, has called that bombing an "inhuman crime". In an editorial they express their doubt that in- cidents like that might ever serve the just cause of any Muslimic community. ALQUDS AL-ARABI, Palestine / London (04/11/02): The Iranian government has confirmed the arrestment of one of Bin Laden's sons. According to an official report, released yesterday, Bin Laden's son has already been handed over to Pakistani authorities. => => => => => => According to German National TV and other sources, who published their news one week later, the U.S. claimed to have "captured Bin Laden's son". The "important member of Al-Qaeda" should have been "arrested abroad". ASHARQ AL-AWSAT, Riyadh (03/12/02): Three persons are charged before a Lebanese court for having acted on behalf of Al-Qaeda organisation. AL-JAZEERA, Qatar (15/12/02): A Lybian and a Jordanian citizen have been arrested in Jordan for having killed U.S. diplomate Laurence Foley earlier that year. ![]() related to Al-Qaeda, has been confirmed by the Chinese daily XING DAO in their European edition of 16/12/02. AL-JAZEERA, Qatar (21/12/02): Headline: "Five Yemenite soldiers killed or wounded in a shooting with Al-Qaeda." An officer and a soldier were killed and three others wounded while trying to arrest the Yeminite citizen Shakar Bin Hamal and further armed men, equally hunted for being members of Al-Qaeda. During that difficult hunt, Bin Hamal's friend was captured but the main suspect fled with his men. The incident took place on Friday 20 near the town of Mukalla (district of Hadramaut in southern Yemen). Local authorities are convinced that these armed men are involved in the attack of a French tanker ("Limburg incident") which took place at the beginning of last October. The tanker was able to transport 400 000 tons of crude oil, parts of which leaked into the sea. In the frame of the "Limburg" attack another incident should not be overlooked: In 2000, the U.S. destroyer "Cole" was blasted by Al-Qaeda in the Yemenite port of Aden. 17 U.S. marines were killed on the spot. L'EXPRESS, Paris (27,28,30/12/02): Since last November, French security forces have arrested nine individuals charged with terroristic activity in an organisation of fundamental Muslims. All of them are of Algerian origin. One of them is the brother of Mourad Ben Chelali, a follower of Al-Qaeda and now arrested in Guantanamo. Others belong to a group that is accused of having prepared an assault in the French town of Strasbourg. Some of the arrestees are known for their support of Muslim rebels in Chechenia. As explosives and other related materials were found in their Paris flats, they are sus- pected of having prepared an assault on the Russian embassy in France. At the same time, the seat of the provisional government in Groznyy / Chechenia has been entirely blasted by their comrades [diffe- rent western media]. Finally, a trusted worker of the luggage department at Paris airport (Roissy) has been caught red-handed with an explosive ready to use. Though all persons arrested are of Algerian origin, their nationality has not been revealed in all cases. AL-JAZEERA, Qatar (30,31/12/02) and BBC NEWS, London (30/12/02): Another assault on U.S. citizens in Yemen Three U.S. citizens were killed in a frenzy, when a fanaticized Muslim entered the hospital of Jibla, which is under the direction of U.S. missionaries. Ali Abdulrazzak al-Kamel, who committed the deed, was arrested soon afterwards. He insisted on having carried out that attack to "cleanse his religion and get closer to Allah". Kamel is a student at Yemen's al-Iman university which was briefly closed last year after allegations that it was a hotbed of Islamic mili- tancy. A direct link with Al-Qaeda organisation has not been detected up to now. BBC NEWS, London (15/01/03): A police officer has been stabbed to death in Manchester during a counter-terrorism operation which was part of a much wider international crackdown on North African ter- rorism. British police were acting on a tip-off when they searched a flat in Manchester where a group of Algerians was suspected of planning an assault using ricine, a dead- ly poison made from castor beans. BAVARIA 5, local German radio station (25/01/03): According to the Federal Minister of the Interior, four groups of Al-Qaeda fighters, each comprising five in- dividuals, should be entering Europe (France, Britain, Germany and Czechoslovakia). SUNDAY TIMES, London (09/03/03): "US fights to stop Bin Laden plot to paralyse Afghanistan" American forces are racing to foil a plot by Oussama Bin Laden to destabilise Afghanistan with an operation plann- ed to coincide with a US attack on Iraq. The interrogation of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the Al-Qaeda operations chief who was captured a week ago, confirmed American and Afghan intelligence that Bin Laden has teamed up with one of Afghanistan's most notorious warlords, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. FBI agents and special forces are currently scouring the villages of South Waziristan, a remote region between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where the two fugitives are believed to have been planning the attack. They have al- so moved to block the port of Gwadr on Pakistan's Arabian coast and seal off the Iranian border to prevent the terrorists escaping. [According to German radio news (15/03/03), another leader of Al-Qaeda should have been arrested in the Pakistani town of Lahore.] |
Polling of AL-JAZEERA ( 18-21 May 2002 ) : Are there any commercial means of protection, to be imposed by Washington on its partners, that are able to reject the consequences of "September attacks" for U.S. economy ? no 22.9% no idea 9.4% ![]() AL-HAYAT (03/07/2002): Three persons arrested by Moroccan security forces turned out to be related with Al-Qaeda. One of them (red marked on the above photo), was identified as Sahir Hilal Al-Thabiti, leading member of Oussama Bin Laden's organisation. A short description of his latest proceedings that led him from Afghanistan to Morocco has been given by Al-Hayat in a special report on Al-Qaeda. All three accused Arabs are depicted in that article, based on their confessions and further investigations : "When it comes to accusation, Sahir Hilal Al-Thabiti is seen hand in hand with the leader of Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden." ...... "The leader of Al-Qaeda made known that, under such circumstances, a waiting period of one month would be appropriate and that orders would reach the "Master of the Just", responsible of security, or Abu Mahmud Al-Masri. And the accused one, Hilal Jabar Awad Al-Assiri (yellow marked on the above photo), deliberately agreed to care for the formation in an Afghan camp under a Syrian responsible called Assad. And he proved his [adopted] name "Father of the refugees" when killing during U.S. incursions in Afghanistan." ...... "As investigations additionally revealed, Oussama Bin Laden visited that camp alt least three times, sug- gesting discussions on a "Holy War against America and how to kill the infidels". Meanwhile, the idea of attacking ships that pass the Strait of Gibraltar began to crystallize after the events of 11 September 2001, yet it was abandoned. Nonetheless, their entire move from Afghanistan was realized after the attack on America. After having passed some (...) town, they directed themselves to Lahore [Pakistan] and finally turned to Karachi. There they met with Al-Madau Abad-Allah Al-Ramadi (in the middle of the above photo), who had fought side by side with the Taliban." In addition to the abandoned plan of attacking U.S. and British ships in the Strait of Gibraltar, there are further projects of Al-Qaeda dicussed by Al-Hyat : - The elimination of Mazoud and Dostum, two leaders x of the Northern Alliance that supported U.S. troops. - An assault on General Musharaff, head of Pakistan's x military government. AL-JAZEERA, Qatar (25/01/2003): Headline: "Reopening of proceedings in Morocco xxxxxxxxxagainst supposed members of Al-Qaeda" As to the counsel for the defence of such accused that are not related to any cell of Al-Qaeda, there is hope again. Having their matter already abandoned before the court of appeal, they can now count on a replace- ment of the presiding judge who has been rejected for having endangered lawful proceedings. blow at the heart of America Headline of Al-Hyat on 3 July 2002 Polling of AL-JAZEERA ( 12-15 June 2002 ) : Do you believe in an U.S. report dealing with the matter of a terrorist being accused to plan the detonation of a radioactive ("dirty") bomb in the Washington area ? no ..... 89.1% no idea ..... 3.8% another model terrorist who specialized in "dirty" bombs ![]() Para muchos musulmanes [ en España ], el 11 de septiembre es una conjura de la CIA, ... del complejo militar-industrial que gobierna [los] Estados Unidos. EL PAIS Semanal, Madrid (14/07/2002) "La España que mira a La Meca" For many Muslims [in Spain], the incidents of 11 September are a conspiracy of the CIA, ... of that military / industrial complex by which the United States are being governed. Selected Polling Results by AL-JAZEERA24-27 June 2002, 16.387 participants : Do you consider the Al-Qaeda organisation being able to realize further attacks against America ? no ..... 21.2% no idea ..... 6.7% ![]() The French tanker "Limburg" after an assault of Al-Qaeda warriors (Southern Yemen, October 2002). 14-17 November 2002, 40.163 participants : After Bin Laden's latest recording, do you consider [his] organization of Al-Qaeda still being able to launch further attacks ? no ..... 15.3% no idea ..... 5.2% L'EXPRESS, Paris (19/09/2002): Ben Laden, does he really own a carrying case that contains a small nuclear weapon ? In an interview with Pakistani journalist Mir, held last November, Ben Laden confirmed that question, and his deputy, Ayman Zawahiri, added that there is nothing easier but to buy three cases in Central Asia for those who can afford 30 millions of dollars. Suitcase bombs are known to be sold by the Russian Mafia who got their hands on Soviet nuclear arms. " ... Journaliste au Pakistan, H. Mir a rencontré Ben Laden dans son repaire afghan en novembre 2001. Le chef terroriste lui avoue être en possession d'un de ces colis piégés. «Après l'entretien, raconte-t-il, j'ai demandé à Ayman Zawahiri, bras droit de Ben Laden, comment il s'était procuré l'engin. Voici sa réponse: “Monsieur Mir, avec 30 millions de dollars, vous pourriez, vous aussi, acheter trois valises en Asie centrale.”» ......... " ![]() the mininuke in a carrying case U.S. made type [L'EXPRESS] L'EXPRESS, Paris, published the following articles on Al-Qaeda: · Summary and evaluation of Muslimic terrorism since 11 September 2001: "la guerre planétaire". published on 17 October 2002. · On the arrestment of French citizens in the frame of Muslimic terrorism some articles have been published on 27/ 28 / 30 December 2002. This is very latest information on the activity of Chechenic Muslim rebels in France. As the Chechenic mafia is known to control the market of illegal weaponry sales in Central Asia, it could be them who provide nuclear arms to Al-Qaeda [refer to L'EXPRESS => above cited French article, 19/09/02]. BLUEPRINT a préparé une page en langue Française qui donne de l'information additionnelle sur le sujet de Al-Qaeda. CREADERS.NET, Chinese online news, lately offered the following information: 27/01/03: U.S. secretary of state for public health says: A terrorist surprise attack with biological or chemical weapons cannot be avoided. 31/01/03: Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan possibly succeeded in manufacturing "dirty bombs" [i.e. bombs containing radioactive material]. 02/02/03: Peking based research group fears: Another round of terrorist attacks could affect China. 03/02/03: One of Bin Laden's sons gets married to a Saudi Arabian woman. The celebrations take place in the bridegroom's home in Jidda, Saudi Arabia. Links and further news can be obtained from the Chinese language site of BLUEPRINT magazine. |
![]() But the infidels don't cease to doubt it, until the hour suddenly comes upon them or the punishment of a disastrous day. ( Sura 22 / 55 from the Holy Koran ) AL-JAZEERA 14/05/2003: 34 people died, including seven U.S. citizens, and 190 remained wounded, when a group of 9 terrorists carried out suicide bomb- ings and opened fire on foreigners in Ryadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. According to ARAB NEWS (19/05/2003), that cited the Saudi interior minister, Prince Naif, five terrorists could be identified. Three of them were already known as members of an Al-Qaeda cell in Ryadh and had been on the run following a raid on that cell on May 6, when all 19 of its members, including 17 Saudis, managed to escape. Four members of the Al-Qaeda cell could now be arrested. They are considered to have had knowledge about the recent attack in advance, yet without participating in the Ryadh operation themselves. Prince Naif told the press that there was no information regarding Saif Al-Adel, an Egyptian reported by the Washington Post to be the mastermind behind the Riyadh bombings. "The American authorities have to ac- knowledge this. We have not received anything that confirms or denies the matter," he said. AL-JAZEERA 18/05/2003: About 44 people are expected to have died in suicide attacks of terrorists, related with Al-Qaeda, in the Moroccan capital of Rabat. Most victims are considered to be Moroccan citizens. AL-JAZEERA 22/05/2003: Today, Al-Jazeera released a tape record, reportedly originating from Aiman Aldhuahari, a leading member of Al-Qaeda organi- sation and close follower of Oussama Bin Laden. For more information look to the right column ! => => => => |
An external website, reputed to be anti Al-Qaeda, says that during the Manchester incident in January 2003 an important document should have been found: Believe it or not, its interesting stuff to read in a stormy night and in the light of a flickering candle, supported by unexpected lightning. After some months of virtual inactivity, Al-Qaeda is supposed to have been crippled by an U.S. "fight against terrorism", at least from the point of view that shows up in WASHINGTON POST who then launched the following article on 6/05/2003: Lack of Attacks Thought to Show Group Is Nearly Crippled " The failure of al Qaeda to launch terrorist attacks against the United States or its allies during the war in Iraq has bolstered a growing belief among U.S. intelligence agencies that 19 months of worldwide counterterrorism operations and arrests have nearly crippled the organization ... " [excerpt from original] ![]() In his tape record, Aiman Al-Sawahiri is challenging the Muslims to chase away all "criminals" from the Middle East. Embassies should be attacked and eco- nomic interests should be wrecked, regarding the U.S., Britain, Australia and [most surprisingly] Norway. ..... It is estimated that Al-Qaeda, under the guidance of Oussama Bin Laden, is responsible for the last attacks in Saudi Arabia and Morocco where they supported some tens of Muslim warriors. |
As to President Bush`s evaluation of terrorism, there is a summary of characteristic comments, published on May 26, 2003, by TIME magazine : ![]() ![]() ![]()
Please note:
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28 November 2002 Following Bin Laden's announcement on 13/11/2002 : Devastating suicide bomb explosion at an Israeli-owned hotel in the Kenyan seaside resort of Mombasa, accompanied by a double missile attack on an Israeli charter airliner taking off from the city’s airport. Both assaults were not wholly unexpected. A month ago, Al-Qaeda said in one of its taped messages that it would go after Jewish targets worldwide. Despite the claims of responsibility from a hitherto unknown Palestinian group, Al-Qaeda therefore remains the likely perpetrator. [ARAB NEWS, 29 November 2002, and different western media]. Up to now, there is no definite proof of Al-Qaeda having staged those incidents that are reminding their US Embassy attacks in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. 6 December 2002 Israeli prime minister Sharon accuses Lebanon and the Palestinians for nourishing Al-Qaeda: Both, Lebanese and Palestinian sources reject Sharon's accusation that their territories are offering an ideal environ- ment for elements that compose Al-Qaeda. Rashid Abu Shabak, the commander of the Palestinian forces for security and prevention, declares: Sharon is referring to the fact that some individuals, belonging to Al-Qaeda, are located in that region. He is determined to seek a pretext for another incursion of Israeli troops. [ AL-JAZEERA, 06/12/2002 ] Key information on Bin Laden's most recent background and the lack of U.S. intelligence to get him, has been published by THE WASHINGTON TIMES (20/11/2002). Here are some excerpts from the full length article: Conspiracy of silence ?by Arnaud de BorchgraveWith fresh evidence that Osama bin Laden is still alive and kicking and with his friends and protectors about to take over the provincial governments of two of Pakistan's four provinces, as well as a share in the new national coalition that will now run the country (under the watchful eye of President Pervez Musharraf), a key question for the U.S. intelligence community remains unanswered. Why has the CIA ignored for 11 consecutive months the only anti-al Qaeda Pakistani tribal leader who had tracked bin Laden's movements ever since his escape from Tora Bora last Dec. 9? ............. Could it be that the intelligence community, already overburdened by the requirements of the coming war on Iraq and the war on terror, is not too interested in a "we've got Osama alive" melodrama that might detract from the current "get Saddam" priority objective? There is also the unspoken fear that a dead or captured bin Laden would trigger hundreds of smaller terrorist incidents worldwide. An old acquaintance of Oussama Bin Laden shows up again for joining the club of those willing to defeat U.S. invasion: A message from Mullah Omar, former leader of the Taliban who governed Afghanistan in the pre-Karzai era, recently appeared on the web. That website in Arabic has been discovered by a Thai newspaper and cited, one day later, by the Chinese daily XING DAO [15/12/02]. The Chinese headline : "Omar launches a statement, saying that he succeeded in escaping during the pursue and capture campaign." In his statement, Omar condemns the U.S. attempt to launch a military aggression against Iraq. He equally calls the numerous groups of Muslims to unite and start an offensive against the United States of America. ![]() ![]() ![]() The underlined parts of the neighbouring Chinese text should represent Mullah Omar's own words. Their translation is as follows: "The Americans and their faction have directed aggression against our nation and our territory, yet without achieving their purpose. Not only crime, extermination and losses did they bring to those small and weak nations who faced their hostility, but poverty as well. Long enough they marched on the road of damnation, and very soon they will speak to themselves : Let's hope we didn't commit all those crimes !" AL-JAZEERA Online PollingDate: 23-26/11/2002 Participants: 32.950Do you consider those recent attacks that were aiming at American citizens in some Arabic countries as being .... the expression of axxxxxa realisation of Al-xxxxx[of other origin] popular reaction ?xxxxxQaeda operations ?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 81.8%xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx13.2%xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5% Date: 29/11-2/12/2002 Participants: 43.044 Do you appreciate that coup against Israeli interest outside of an occupied Palestine ? yesxxxxxxxxxxnoxxxxxxxxxxundecided 87.5%xxxxxxx10.2%xxxxxxxxxx2.3%xxx | |||
ARAB NEWS, Riyadh (13/08/02): Al-Qaeda suspects won’t be handed over
Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal said yesterday |
Dealing with Al-Qaeda in the Middle East
a summary of articles published by the |
Bin Laden's Task Force Tracked ?![]() ![]()
AL-JAZEERA TV, Qatar, transmitted videos showing the preparation
Bin Laden and Al-Sawahiri Showing up
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AL-JAZEERA (11/09/2003) headline: U.S. enquiries are dealing with the tape of Ben Laden and the message of al-Sawahiri excerpts from the Arabic text: ... (There are) those who are also trying to concentrate themselves on the precision in sound registration as far as it concerns al- Sawahiri who has confirmed that " fighting against the U.S. has not yet begun ". ... And the responsible one who insisted on (us) to abstain from any questioning of his identity said " the technical analysis of, both, the video and sound tape is intended to determine if it is really the voice of al-Sawahiri speaking and if it is possible to receive certain indications or informations " reveiling his temporary occupation (plannings). ... The tape, communicated to Al-Jazeera on the eve of the second anniversary of the September 11 attacks, has finished with (such) predictions that have increased weight on the death of Ben Laden who (in- stead) appears with voice and image after a long absence and who returned to (his) unbroken activity of a Taliban in the caverns of Afghanistan of the year 2001. ... Al-Sawahiri directed a message of help and cooperation to the resistance (movement) in Iraq. Addressing its fighting members in Iraq, (he promised) to concentrate on (their subject) and to dedicate (himself) to their support. " Allah being with you, the people are in favour of you as they rely upon Allah. And they will tear the Americans into pieces like the lions do with their animals of prey. ... Lets bury them on their Iraqi graveyard !" |
![]() pictures from a video, published by Al-Jazeera, that is possibly dating back to April / May 2003 ![]() AL-QUDS AL-ARABI, Palestinian daily (13-14/09/2003): The actual Al-Qaeda differs from Al-Qaeda after the attacks of September. Loosing its platform in Afghanistan it is undergoing substantial reconstruction. Click here for a brandnew BLUEPRINT site on Resistance in "Postwar" Iraq. |
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![]() dedicated to the people of America:
we are blaming you
by Aiman al-Sawahiri |
ﻭ ﻣﺎ ﺃﻫﻠﻜﻨﺎ ﻣﻦ ﻗﺮﻳﺔ ﺇﻻ ﻟﻬﺎ ﻣﻨﺬﺭﻭﻥ
And We did not destroy any town
The "mysterious" detonations of MadridAL-QUDS AL-ARABI (12/03/2004) the Palestinian daily published a letterfrom the Brigades of Abi Hafez al-Misri who are claiming responsibility for some devastating train bombings in Madrid that had taken place the day before, killing about 200 persons and injuring another 1500: Main headline: "Al-Qaeda preparing Trains of Death in Madrid" ﺍﻟﻘﺎﻋﺪﺓ ﺗﺘﺒﻨﻰ - ﻗﻄﺎﺭﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﻮﺕ - ﺑﻤﺪﺭﻳﺪ The above mentioned letter was published under the following title: The Brigades of Abi Hafez al-Misri state that these bombings are "only part of a settlement of ancient scores with the Crusaders of Spain who are now allied with America in their war against Islam". As different circumstances indicate (material of detonators, choice of targets), the Spanish separatist organization ETA cannot be blamed for those incidents that are rather untypical for them. By the way, sentiments in the Islamic world are not in favour of Spain since their Aznar government is unyieldingly insisting on playing a role in the U.S. "fight against terrorism" in Iraq. As a member of the Iraqi group Ansar al-Sunna put it: "We are feeling ourselves being more close to Spain, but its your country that has betrayed us. Even though, we prefer the heads of U.S. (soldiers), there might be Spanish (citizens) among the fallen in a very near future." [EL MUNDO, Madrid, 05/10/2003] "Nos sentíamos muy cerca de España, pero su país nos ha traicionado; aunque preferimos las cabezas estadounidenses, en un futuro muy próximo habrá bajas españolas." | |
An Unexpected ResurrectionBin Laden in his speech to the people of America onthe eve of the U.S. Presidential Elections in 2004 : " .........., I tell you in truth, that your security is not in the hands of Kerry, nor Bush, nor al-Qaida. No. Your security is in your own hands. And every state that doesn't play with our security has automatically guaranteed its own security. " And the Monkey Award of Terrorism goes to ... ![]() ![]() Will Al-Qaeda decide to play the "political card" more often in the future ? PEOPLE`S DAILY, Beijing, after the propagation of the above mentioned Bin Laden speech (02/11/2004) And here is an external comment on Al-Qaeda ..... |
Latest News from the UndergroundAL-JAZEERA 16/12/2004 broadcasting another message from Bin Laden :Bin Laden calling for an offensive to be launched
"In a letter [i.e. a tape record] especially directed to the Muslims in the |
Al-Sawahiri on PalestineJune 2005 : While the general elections in Palestine arestill being prepared, Al-Sawahiri gives his comment on the position of militant Hamas activists who are now ready to become serious members of parliament. January 2006 : Now that Hamas has won the elections, it makes sense to remember Al-Sawahiri from the Arabic text of his original speech as cited by Al-Jazeera : " Sawahiri shows his dislike of the Palestinian "Mujahedins " and accuses them of letting themselves being dragged to become the puppets of an election, a behaviour that could only result in severe damage to the Palestinian authorities' legitimacy. " March 2006 : Showing up once again within a few weeks only, Al-Sawahiri attacks Hamas for retiring from its task of resistance and for following a route of particularism that requires political arrangements. (Al-Jazeera 05/03/2006) Al-Sawahiri and the WestFebruary 2005 : In another video, released by Al-Jazeera on February 20, Sawahiri complained about the fact that there was no naming the benefits that had been luring Washington into the region. He particularly pointed at the benefits of Guantanamo concentration camp, the real nature of which Al-Sawahiri was willing to reveal. March 2006 : In the above cited message, spread by Al-Jazeera on March 5 2006, Al-Qaeda's No. 2 rises up against Western governments. Arabic text : "There should be a loyal attitude of the community when it comes to attack the crusaders by hand and tongue, by word and iron." To serve that purpose "Al-Sawahiri encourages the launching of a multitude of attacks against the West, while taking the incidents of New York and London as a model, and he urges an unspecified stop of all operations that are leading to a theft of crude oil from the Muslims." |
Still Alive and KickingJanuary 2006 : Bin Laden and Al-Sawahiri are still alive and puzzling westernsecurity agencies. Shortly following the emergence of further tapes from both of them, some unidentified force hit a remote village in northern Pakistan, killing women and children and leaving much U.S. war scrap behind, such that the Pakistani government felt obliged to summon the U.S. ambassador. Only some days later, Sawahiri showed up again, confirming that he was not among the victims which had been previously suspected by official sources. ![]() Al-Sawahiri in March 2006
صادقة من الأمة
للتصدي للحملة
يشجع على توجيه
مزيد من الضربات
للغرب على غرار
هجمات |
Short notes on latest Al-Qaeda proceedings, based on confirmed or unconfirmed messages and launched by notorious Islamic sites: Please consider: The editor of BLUEPRINT magazine is not responsible for the quality of such messages. All sources cited have been chosen for their semi-official character and the credibility they actually received within the Muslim world. Nonetheless, deception cannot be completely excluded. W.W. |
date: November 19, 2007 message: Integration of the "Islamic Fighters´ Group of Lybia" into Al-Qaeda organization, as proclaimed by Sheikh Ayman Az-Zawahiri on behalf of Al-Qaeda and Sheikh Abu Leith al-Libi on behalf of the Islamic fighters. source: An Islamic media center _______________________________________________________ date: November 29 - December 2, 2007 message: In a sound record, Oussama Bin Laden addresses the peoples of Europe. (complete English text !) source: An Islamic media center (for Arabic sound track and English subtitles), Al-Jazeera (shortcut) _______________________________________________________ date: December 11, 2007 message: Two blasts have been staged in the capital of Algeria, directed at the United Nations local headquarters and the Supreme Court, using 800 kg of explosives for each detonation. The United Nations have been targeted as a "nest of the global infidels". The overall rate of deaths is 60. (تنظيم القاعدة ببلاد المغرب الإسلامي) source: Website of Al-Qaeda, North-African branch remark: As 800 kg of explosives are a huge amount, necessarily to be carried by a truck, it could be imagined that an "explosive of a blasting capacity of 800 kg of TNT" has been used in both incidents. |
AL-JAZEERA TV on July 23, 2008 "An alleged member of Osama Bin Laden's inner circle stands trial in Guantánamo. Salim Ahmed Hamdan is alleged to have conspired with Osama Bin Laden. Prosecutors allege he had two surface -to-air missiles in his car. Hamdan was captured in November 2001 in Afghanistan just after the U.S. invasion. Now, he is accused of conspirancy, helping Bin Laden escape and providing material support for terrorism. Hamdan's lawyers say his only connection with Al-Qaeda was as a driver and mechanic." |
3. Useful Links about Al-Qaeda
The Bin Laden Library
Everything about Bin Laden you always wanted to know, yet never dared to ask. Bin Laden's Handwriting Another "graphological test-report" from one of those U.S. universities. Cartoons and other jokes on Bin Laden Lets keep some humour in difficult times ! ![]() Tell the hypocrites that severe punishment is intended to them. ( Sura 4 / 138 from the Holy Koran ) |
![]() Fighting his "Holy War" against the "Axis of Evil" Portrait of Osama Bin Bush as found on a Polish website |
A Summary of News on Central Asia that led to the actual situation can be obtained from another website, compiled by Wolfgang Wiesner on the basis of Arabic publications (AL-JAZEERA, AL-HYAT,..).